cheerios + little free libraries prints
Once in a while, a project comes along that just brings us so much joy, both from a creative standpoint, but also from what the project is supporting. We were thrilled to be asked to create a series of prints by Minneapolis agency Zeus Jones, which turned out to be one of those projects. We illustrated three prints in support of Little Free Libraries, which helps place very little libraries for kids all over the world, where families can take a book and return a book. Such a simple but powerful idea. These prints will serve as gifts for donors who support a campaign to place fifty little free library stations across our market, the Dallas / Fort Worth area. The project is sponsored by Cheerios, a long-time supporter of early childhood literacy. We are really proud to be a part of this amazing initiative!
Book Fairy
Captain Book
The Cheerios team sets off to stock up local Little Free Libraries with Spoonfuls of story books.